Monthly Archives: May 2011

PEOPLE AT WORK COLUMN: Four Steps To Finding Your Passion

“YOUR face betrays no emotion.” This is what Alan Barker, a trainer on effective communication, told me several years ago. As a Human Resource manager, I had developed the habit of not showing my emotions especially during stressful situations. I

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PEOPLE AT WORK COLUMN: The Dishwashing Technique

MAY is a merry-go-round for kids but a roller coaster for working moms. Yes, the kids are at home and on top of attending to office concerns, we’ve got to attend to our children who are constantly underfoot as well.

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PEOPLE AT WORK COLUMN: Take charge of your life

A LIFEGUARD is trained to ensure his safety first, before attempting to save another. He has to be a skilled swimmer in the first place to be considered worthy to save another person’s life. In the standard airplane emergency drill,

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